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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Darwin: Beer Can Regatta

July 13th, 2008 : darwin-beer-can-regatta

Darwin Beer Can RegattaSteve left early for a fishing trip, even leaving before Olive woke. Clare walked along the Nightcliff foreshore down to the Nightcliff Markets with Olive, and bumped into a couple of old friends. Darwin is such a small place, this even happens after being away from here for five years. We went across the road for a swim in the Nightcliff pool, before heading down to Mindil Beach for the Annual Beer Can Regatta. They had the usual races with boats made out of beer cans, but also other events such as thong throwing, tug-of-war, and sand castle building. The markets were also on so we had a browse of the shops, but did not eat much. We are starting to overdose on market food. Steve's fishing trip was unsuccessful, so unfortunately there was no mackerel for dinner.

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