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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Marla: Worst water

May 29th, 2008 : marla-worst-water

Road to NowhereWe packed up camp again, and aimed to visit some more places before heading off. Unfortunately we were too early for the pottery place and a gallery, but did pass the dusty grassless golf course on the way. Luckily the beautiful underground church was open, and didn't Olive love running around in this open space, challenging herself to walk up the steep slope which is the entry to the church. Our destination for the night was a grassy camping spot called Marla. This place had lovely amenities, but the worst drinking water we have had so far. We discovered this evening that we failed to retrieve our pram from the rest area where we had lunch. We were not going to drive back 150 km to get it, so We decided this was a good thing as the pram has been nothing but trouble for us. We will have to invest in another one when we get to Alice Springs.

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