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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Sawtell: Next Big Thing

November 3rd, 2008 : sawtell-next-big-thing

Banana Delivery VanIt rained most of the night, and our planned bike ride and hike this morning had to be cancelled. We headed off early instead, and back tracked to Grafton. It was still raining, and the museum and art gallery, the highlight of the town for us, were closed on Monday. However, the vibrant purple jacaranda trees were in full bloom which made it a delightful drive around town. We drove from here to Coffs Harbour, and were not impressed enough to stop (except for a short visit to the first ‘big thing’, the Big Banana). Our impressions were not helped by the continual rain. More to our liking was the smaller and quieter Sawtell a further 10 km south, which neighbours Bongil Bongil National Park. If the quality of a caravan park is based on their baby bath, then this is the best we have been to.

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