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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Stanwell Park: Return to Sydney

November 27th, 2008 : stanwell-park-return-to-sydney

Martin Place Christmas TreeWe headed back to Sydney for the day, taking the one hour train trip from Stanwell Park. We had a busy day with lots of walking. We returned to the NSW Art Gallery which we enjoyed so much on our last visit to Sydney, then had lunch in the Domain next to the gallery. All around us the business people of Sydney were out in force running laps and playing sports and doing all sorts of fitness exercises. To educate Olive about Christmas we showed her the large tree in Martin Place and the window displays at David Jones – which were not quite up to the standard of the Myer windows in Melbourne. Olive and ElizaWe shopped as well - searching the adventure stores unsuccessfully for sandals for Clare and explored Paddys Market. At Darling Harbour Olive played in the huge playground before we met up with some more family for dinner. Michael, Sonja and Eliza were passing through Sydney on their way to Coffs Harbour for a short holiday break. We had passed through there a few weeks ago, but could not hang around long enough to coincide with them. We are so glad we didn’t miss out on catching up with them totally. Peter and family also came into town for the catch up, and we all met for drinks and a meal at Darling Harbour. Eliza and Olive, being practically the same age, had a thing going. Olive did wonderfully staying up until we left at 9pm for the train journey back home.

More in this category: New South Wales