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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Rainbow Beach: Humpback Dolphins

October 5th, 2008 : rainbow-beach-humpback-dolphins

Feeding the DolphinsWe started early today and walked to the spot where the dolphins are fed every morning at 8am. This is the main thing to do in Tin Can Bay, and there were plenty of people there all with the same idea. We went early to line up to get some fish to feed to the special Indopacific Humpback Dolphins. There were three of them, and Olive was fascinated. Before we checked out, we went for a bike ride along a winding path around the bay to a playground at the end. From Tin Can Bay it is only a short drive around the corner to our next destination, Rainbow Beach. It sounds like a nice place to visit, and it did not disappoint. We went to the Surf Club to watch Storm get thrashed among the Manly supporters. The afternoon was not a total loss, as Rob bumped into an old friend Andy from his AIS days, who he had not seen for over 15 years, who was up here from Sydney on a holiday to Fraser Island. This evening we also found out that Pam and John (Granny and Grandpa) will be visiting us further down the coast in about two weeks. We are very excited about that!

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