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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Wynnum, Brisbane: Cyclone Tracey

October 10th, 2008 : wynnum-brisbane-cyclone-tracey

Big PineappleWe had a lunch date with Rob’s cousin Tracey today. On the way to her place just outside of Nambour, we visited the Ginger Factory and bought lots of ginger flavoured products. Afterwards we crossed the road to the macadamia factory, which incidentally had cheaper ginger. We were not too sure about the wasabi and abalone flavoured macadamias, and in the end did not buy any at all. The final stop of the morning was a revisit to the Big Pineapple, and its disappointing tourist shop. We made it to Tracey’s on time, but the other guests were stuck in the traffic and rain. Tracey’s brother Mark and mum Gwen (Rob’s auntie) eventually arrived, and we enjoyed a hectic pre-wedding day lunch. Olive was a little under the weather, so was not her usual charming self. However after a little nap she was much better. It was still raining when we drove in the late afternoon to Mel and Ash’s in Brisbane. We have moved from one sister to another.

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