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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Bright: Rail Trail Ride

December 8th, 2008 : bright-rail-trail-ride

Clare on the Rail TrailIt was a chilly morning waking up down by the creek. Our bikes were taken off the bikerack at the back of the van ready for our day’s adventure. They are dirty and getting a bit rusty from sitting out in the weather all the time, and will get a good service when we get to Melbourne. The Murray to Mountains Rail Trail (a bike track following the old railway line) is over 80km stretching from Bright to Wangaratta. We rode 15 km, which took us through Porepunkah, past a berry farm and to the old station at Eurobin. It was a nice warm day for a ride, and we had a picnic lunch before returning to Bright. A few kms from the end Olive finally succumbed to sleep, and Clare had to ride the rest of the way with one hand holding up her head. Rather a funny sight for a few onlookers. Luckily she continued the peaceful doze back ‘home’, on her rug in the shade, outside by the creek. Oh what a life!

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