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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Riverton, Perth: Scan Me

April 9th, 2009 : riverton-perth-scan-me

New BabyWe seem to have a lot more time on our hands now, not having to unpack and pack up the van each day. Olive spent some time in the park down the road, and back exploring the nooks and crannies of this large house. Clare went for her 12 week scan today. Even though we have seen it before with Olive, the ultrasound was very exciting. Seeing it move around and kicking about doing somersaults, makes it all seem so real. We left Olive with Nina for the appointment, and she missed her daytime sleep (Olive that is, not Nana) but she lasted the day out. Maybe its also time for the transition to no daytime sleep. Sharon came over for dinner and for more catching up. It has been hot ever since we arrived in Perth, and more hot days are forecast. What a great place to be.

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