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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Gunlom Falls, Kakadu: Big Crocs

July 22nd, 2008 : gunlom-falls-big-crocs

Kakadu Rock artIt was a very restless night for us all but thankfully the mozzies were kept at bay. Very unseasonally, it rained during the night, so all our gear we left outside got wet. We drove up to Ubirr rock art site in time for the Ranger talk. The rock art was very interesting, particularly the images of the Tassie Tiger and the White man with a rifle. We went to the lookout for a great view across the wetlands. The view from here is supposed to be great at sunset, but unfortunately we couldn't be here for that. We completed a very interesting 3 km walk through a monsoon rainforest, and saw heaps of bats and three big crocodiles in the nearby East Alligator River. We were only metres away from one of them, fortunately up a steep embankment which we assumed was beyond the capabilities of the croc!? We had a picnic lunch next to a lovely lake at Jabiru, the only town located in a national park. There was a great nature display at the visitor centre, where we took a rest before driving further south in the park to Gunlom Falls. There was 36 km of dirt road to endure. At the start of the trip we were not going to do too much off road driving, but the temptation of a waterfall with a plunge pool got the better of us. Thank goodness the mozzies of last night were not here. A much more pleasant night.

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