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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Ubirr, Kakadu: Mozzie Attack

July 21st, 2008 : ubirr-kakadu-mozzie-attack

Clare through the window

Where to go? We left Clint's still not knowing where we were headed today. We drove back to Darwin to pick up sunnies, but the replacement pair had not arrived, and Clare could not decide on an alternative, so we have left them to be sent later. We also took a last visit to see Chris, Cate, Clancy and Archie.

On the way out of Darwin, opposite to what we had decided on the way to Darwin, we took the Arnhem Highway and headed out to Kakadu. As we drove along, we realised that Rob's credit card was missing. After an unsuccessful search of the car and some detective work, we decided it was located at the Noonamah Bottleshop. So we made a u-turn and headed to retrieve it. Luckily we found it, and luckily it was not too much of a detour. Unfortunately, it was lunchtime and after driving most of the morning we were only a short distance from our starting point. We could now continue our drive to Ubirr (Ohh, Beer!), a rock art site in the heart of Kakadu.

We found a peaceful campsite amongst the trees, but soon realised that there is an army of mozzies in the area. We retreated into the van as soon as we could, and spent the next hour on the attack hunting down the hundreds that were trapped inside the van. The night was still and humid, and we sweltered as we did not dare open up any windows. We couldn't think of many worse nights than this one!!


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