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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Tennant Creek: Leaky

June 19th, 2008 : tennant-creek-leaky

Old Telegraph StationToday we enjoyed another day with our friends Anna and Ryan in Tennant Creek. We visited a few touristy things around town, the Cultural Centre, a lookout, and the old telegraph station for which we had to first pick up the keys from the tourist info centre. We felt naughty letting ourselves into the isolated restored old buildings. Having already explored another of these outposts in Alice Springs, we knew the background which helped us appreciate the story.

Further investigation on the van found the source of the leaking radiator fluid. A temporary fix by Rob means that there is no need to hurry our journey to Darwin as long as the electrical tape holds out. So much for the local mechanical expert saying it needed a VW expert - it just needed someone to look a bit harder to find the source of the problem.

After enjoying another fabulous meal at the Tennant Creek Hotel restaurant, we took Olive home to bed, before heading back to the bar to see what goes on after dark. We had an interesting evening observing the pub full of predominantly indigenous clientele. It was apparently a quiet night - thankfully no fights to see.

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