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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Coffin Bay: Oysters Delight

March 3rd, 2009 : coffin-bay-oysters-delight

Coffin BayIt is another rainy day. Olive founded her friend Lauchie from the cabin next door again and played with him digging in the dirt, and in the rain. After a chat with ‘Lauchie’s dad’ and some morning tea crackers for the kids, we packed up and drove from Port Lincoln to Coffin Bay, about 40 kms. This is a very small seaside town situated on a very pretty bay, with a rather spread out township. They farm oysters right here in the shallow tidal bay. You can pick up a dozen for only $7! After lunch Clare took Olive for a walk (to get her to sleep) along the ‘Oyster Walk’, which was a lovely stroll along and around the bay. A 40 minute walk later she was finally dozing, and she slept for a long one today. We get to catch up with our reading at times like this. With such miserable weather we considered eating out, so Rob took Olive down to check out the Yacht Club, but it only opens a few nights a week for dinners - maybe tomorrow. So it looks like a quick and easy home cooked meal tonight.

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