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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Cape Tribulation: Exotic Tropic

August 22nd, 2008 : cape-tribulation-exotic-tropic

Horses on the beachOlive found some new friends again at this campsite, they were quickly playing seperately together on her blanket. We decided to take a bike ride along the beach while the tide was out. The sand is very hard and the beach is quite flat, so perfect for a cruise. We came across some people on a horse ride, so we stopped to have a peek. One of the guides (yes they were tourists on the horses) let Olive have a pat of his horse. In the afternoon Clare visited an Exotic Fruit Farm for some tastings and a tour of the orchard. It was delicious, trying many fruits, some of which had never been heard of before. One, called Black Sapote, tasted like chocolate fudge, the flesh had the creamy consistency of avocado, was brown like chocolate, and sweet like fruit - very interesting. Did we mention the rain - yes it rained most of the day today! Well we are in the RAINforest.

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