round-the-world in 2005
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Dec 26 - Dec 27, 2005
This is only a short stay, we return to the north of Laos after revisiting Thailand. Read about our return to Laos.
26 Dec 2005 Don Det, Laos
Lazing in Laos
We left Stung Treng early on a speedboat, skimming across the Mekong for two hours, feeling very windswept on arrival at the border crossing. The Cambodian border post was a shack on one side of the Mekong, as was the Laos office on the other side. From there it was a short minibus and boat out to Don Det Island, one of hundreds in the Si Phan Don area, the far south of Laos. It is a very laid back quiet place, full of backpackers, great for hanging out. Not for us though - we headed straight out for a 3 km walk in the afternoon heat to see a large waterfall. We relaxed later with Lao beers at the sunset cafe overlooking the Mekong
27 Dec 2005 Don Det, Laos
Paddling on the Mekong
We had a relaxing day - not much else to do around here, such a perfect place for just hanging out, and easy to stay a long time (as many other have obviously done). The weather is great, a little warmer than what we experienced in Cambodia. We hung in a hammock and read a book in the morning, while a lady washed our clothes in the river next to us (we could watch her out our window). In the afternoon we each hired a small wooden canoe, and paddled around the islands seeing life on the river. It was touch in parts against the flow. In the evening we had dinner with a couple of Belgium friends. It has been a good first taste of Laos life - we will be back soon.
next we return to Thailand for a few days..