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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Tumby Bay: Story by Story

February 27th, 2009

Horse RideIt was a sad goodbye for Olive to her adopted granny, a neighbour who had lovingly taken her under her wing. I think she was missing her own grandchildren, and it has been great for us too.

We stopped at Arno Bay a short distance along the coast, had a coffee, a  play in the park, and a walk along the jetty. A little further south on the coast, was Port Neill, a prettier seaside town.

We checked out Tanplaters, a company who create metal electro-plated gum leaves which was something unique but really for the tourists (not us!), then retreated into the green shed, a historic storage building on the foreshore, which was out of the wind for lunch (crab sandwiches of course!!).

Looking for somewhere worthwhile to stay overnight, we continued south to Tumby Bay, and found a great caravan park right on the beach front. As a great introduction to the town, we took the 5pm ride on a Clydesdale drawn trolley through the town, with a dryly given description of the sights of town by the aptly named Mr Story. We think he has been saying the same stories for the last 20 years?

More in this category: South Australia