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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Kangaroo Valley: Fatso and Friends

December 2nd, 2008 : kangaroo-valley-fatso-and-friends

Kangaroo Valley CampsiteWe stayed put for the day at this quiet lakeside campsite just out of Kangaroo Valley. It was a warm sunny day, and Rob found a little work to do while Clare and Olive played. Olive is getting a handful at times, has learnt to use the word ‘no’ and mean it. We had some quiet time and read while Olive slept. Late in the afternoon we went for a walk further along the river, where we saw many wombat burrows. We returned just before sunset, and were rewarded by seeing many wombats out of their holes munching on the grass. They are very cute animals.

More in this category: New South Wales