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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Newcastle: Dropkick City

November 20th, 2008 : newcastle-dropkick-city

Boat SurferToday’s adventure was a tour of the sights of Newcastle. We took the short ferry ride from Stockton over the Hunter River to the main part of Newcastle. Our first stop was the tourist info centre, where we obtained a list of the top 20 things to do in town. At the end of the day we had achieved 12 of these, including the decent Newcastle Regional Art Gallery, the magnificent Christ Church on ‘The Hill’ overlooking the town, the obelisk, Nobbies Beach, a walk along the promenade to the ‘not so interesting’ Honeysuckle, and climbed the Bicentennial tower next to the ferry terminal. Just before we headed home, a huge storm came in and caught us and everyone else by surprise. Despite hearing mostly negative reports about Newcastle before we arrived, and seeing a number of dodgy types around, we had an enjoyable day, and found it was worth a day’s exploring.

More in this category: New South Wales