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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Lake Tinnaroo: Red Claw Hunting

September 2nd, 2008 : lake-tinnaroo-red-claw-hunting

Fishing for Red ClawWe stayed at our spot on the edge of Lake Tinaroo all day; it is such a peaceful location. There are a lot of different birds around. Including a few Kookaburras who perched themselves in the tree next to our campsite. We only found out at lunch time that they were opportunists, waiting for us to leave our food unattended. Clare took her string and pieces of meat down to the water and unsuccessfully tried to catch some Red Claw, a type of freshwater crustacean which are apparently out there. All she got was a few nibbles, which may have been the ducks that were hanging around or turtles. We saw quite a few turtles being caught in other people's drop nets, along with some fairly small size red claws. While Olive played with her new friends, Alex and Maddie, we chatted with their parents.

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