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'Round Australia' 2008-09 > index

Richmond: Circus Comes to Town

July 31st, 2008 : richmond-circus-comes-to-town

Pole Dancer OliveAfter packing up the van, we ventured up to the lookout on Mt Isa, with a great view of the working mine dominating the town, and the chimney stack pumping out gallons of smoke. The fossil display at the museum was good including an informative (but lame) talk by the scientist in the laboratory - although Olive didn't manage to make it to the end. The rest of the day was spent driving, passing some small nondescript towns. We stayed for the night at another rest stop, 50 km out of Richmond. It is nice to be in the outback, so quiet with a wonderful sunset over the flat horizon. A late arrival in the dark to the rest stop was a broken down circus truck. Rob offered them a light and some tools to help them fix their vehicle, and what do you know he had a monkey named Lilly in the back. Olive was very excited to meet this new and strange animal, and for our help we have been invited to be their guest tomorrow at the circus in Richmond.

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