In the process of creating some products with caravan travel quotes, our search online came up with this collection of quotes and sayings about travelling in a caravan. I apologise in advance, but some of these are not very good, but it is all I could find.
“Life Rocks when your home Rolls”
“Life is like a road trip, enjoy each day and don’t carry too much baggage”
“Wherever we are together, that is home”
Not all who wander are lost”
“Life’s a pitch”
“Those who can, caravan”
“Home is where you park it”
“Home is when we are together”
“This is how we roll”
“I like to sleep around”
“I’m sexy and I tow it”
“Adventure before Dementia”
“Ready, Steady Tow”
“Happy Camping”
Do you have any others? Leave a comment below