Ooh the Ogoh Ogoh

One of the great things about the Nyepi celebrations in Bali is the Ogoh Ogoh statues that are built in every village.  A parade of these creatures takes place on the eve of Nyepi day, which is tonight! We took a drive around town yesterday, where last-minute preparations of the statues were busily being done. …

The Elephant Cave – It’s all a façade

Up until now we had avoided visiting the nearby Elephant Cave due to too many negative reports (small and boring, too many touts), but as it is one of the tourist destinations of Ubud we thought we better go there anyway. We were pleasantly surprised, we are either easy to please or our expectations were …

Great Sushi Comes On A Motorbike

One of the great things we have discovered here in Bali is that you can get great restaurant food delivered, and one of the best that we have come across so far is "Sushi on wheels". This is a guy that makes fresh sushi to order, then delivers it to your villa. [UPDATE: sushi on …

A Bali Wedding of Sorts

Living in Bali presents many opportunities that you would not get if you were just here for a short stay, like after just a few weeks at the school, Olive (and the rest of the family) was invited to attend the wedding celebration of her teacher Ibu Indah and Steven. The ceremony was held at …

House Creatures in Bali

One of the major adjustments we have to living in Bali is dealing with the bugs and other creatures. Back in Mount Hawthorn (Perth) we thought we had an ant problem. That is nothing compared to our kitchen here. The Balinese style housing with open kitchen and living areas is appropriate for the climate, but …